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Corporate Plan

The Regenda Group Corporate Plan sets out how we will deliver our purpose to regenerate places and create opportunities for people up until 2025.

Our Vision for 2025

The Regenda Group Corporate Plan outlines our commitment to revitalizing communities and providing opportunities for individuals until 2025. Shaped by customer feedback garnered through surveys, focus groups, and resident panels, our vision for 2025 focuses on:

Metrics that matter to you

To ensure we deliver against the aims and pillars of the Corporate Plan, we have collaborated with the Resident Voice Panel to implement metrics that matter.

For our performance against the Tenant Satisfaction Measures and our latest annual performance figures

7 pillars to success

The pillars of the Corporate Plan will help us deliver a consistent and focused approach to achieving our Group purpose.

15 corporate projects

Customer views helped shape our plan and determine our priorities under each of our pillars. We identified 15 corporate projects in response to your feedback on what matters most.
Transparent and accessible communication
Improving our website and communications. making it easier to access our services and challenge our performance.
Rent and service charges
Improving our processes and communication about the rent and charges you pay.
Document management
Improving our approach to ensure we always refer to the most up to date policies and procedures.
Business intelligence
improving our data to support robust decision-making.
Go Digital
From 2024 we will be looking at how we can improve our communication using digital channels for those who want to communicate with us in this way.
Employer brand
Helping to attract and retain the best staff to the Regenda Group.
Developing diversity and inclusiveness
Ensuring our services are fair and accessible to all.
Customer centricity
Shaping our services around customer need.
Engaging and empowering customers
Providing more opportunities for customers to influence and shape our services.
Consumer standards
Preparing for and responding to regulatory change.
Asset performance appraisal
Assessing the performance of our stock to optimise value for money.
M&Y systems
Improving the systems we have in place to manage repairs delivery.
Grove Street development
A regeneration development scheme in Liverpool.
New Ferry development
A regeneration development scheme in Wirral.
Ecogee integration
Aligning Ecogee into the Regenda Group.

Managing Risks

Regenda take a measured approach to managing risk. The following risks are central to managing our customer centric approach.

Risk 1
Consumer Standards
Risk 2
Property Compliance
Risk 3
Income Collection

Your feedback is important to us

If you have any feedback on how we deliver services to you, please get in touch via our online feedback page.