
Governance is the framework at the heart of a successful organisation. It sets the standard of leadership and performance and helps to guide our colleagues to deliver within our values and culture.

The parent board is supported by two group sub-committees

The Regenda Group is governed by a Parent Board which includes several members, one of which is our Chief Executive. Recruitment to the Board is carried out in an open and transparent way using recruitment methods that enable us to attract a diverse range of talented candidates. We seek to recruit Board members who complement the current skill set of the Board, provide attributes that ensure appropriate challenge and debate and who come from a diverse range of backgrounds.

The Nominations and Remuneration Committee
Nominates, for approval by the Board, Non-Executive Directors & Committee Members. It ensures high standards of governance are maintained throughout the Group and oversees the performance evaluation and development of the Board and Committees.

The Risk and Audit Committee
Assures Board that relevant risks are identified and mitigated appropriately. It also provides scrutiny and transparency of overall internal controls along with legal and regulatory compliance.

Further information is available in the Group's Governance Manual

Keeping to high standards and best practice

The code has been widely acknowledged as an example of best practice by a range of bodies, including the Regulator of Social Housing, the Committee on Standards in Public Life and by the Chair of the Commission for good Governance in Public Services.

The main requirements provide a guide to Board behaviour and overall approach and provides clarity on excellent governance.

In adopting this Standard, the regulated entities of the Group must ensure any areas of non-compliance are included in the financial statements. A report confirming compliance or highlighting any areas of non-compliance is reported to the N&R Committee on an annual basis.

Read a full copy of the adopted Code of Governance
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