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Supporting Mental Health at work #BrewMonday

Regenda staff having a cuppa and a talk for Brew Monday

Today is Blue Monday – referred to as the most difficult day of the year. Well we are taking the lead of the Samaritans and other mental health charities to help turn ‘Blue Monday’ into ‘Brew Monday’. Brew Monday reminds people that we all have our good days and bad days, and those aren’t for the calendar to decide!

Mental health has been brought to the forefront over the course of the pandemic. 1 in 4 of us are likely to experience a mental health problem each year, and it’s no surprise that this can impact our ability to work.

We want every part of the Regenda Group to be the very best it can be and we want our colleagues to have a great experience working with us. To support this we have a range of ways we promote positive mental health at work and central to this is our Mental Health First Aiders.

The Regenda Mental Health First Aiders, are a group of volunteer staff who have been specially trained to provide mental health support to our staff. They are based throughout the business and act as a point of contact for anyone experiencing a mental health issue.

As well as being able to provide help and advice in person, they can also refer our staff to a range of services we offer as part of our People Package to help!

So whether its just an opportunity to talk, or provide guidance on managing stress, work life balance or personal problems, our mental health first aiders can provide confidential and friendly support.

As part of our People Package all staff can access the following support:

  • 24/7 Employee Assistance Programme, which provides financial advice and counselling services and can also be accessed by friends and family
  • Referrals to occupational health for both physical and wellbeing treatment
  • Stress risk assessments to understand how we can help to reduce stress or other pressures at work
  • Access to training and development programs to build skills, confidence and resilience
  • Coaching and mentoring from our leadership team
  • New manager training via the Regenda Way programme
  • Pathway support for new starters
  • Opportunities to work flexibly and increased holiday allowance

So what ever you are doing today, make it a ‘Brew Monday’, grab a cuppa, get talking and even take a look at the opportunities there are to work with the Regenda Group here:

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